What Joy Holds For You by Jesus

Rita Lorraine Carey
3 min readJul 26, 2021

I wish for you to know everything on your planet is unfolding perfectly. The world moves in divine order. Relax and go towards the things that resonate with you. Play more and relax, beautiful things come to you when you are in this space.

What questions do you have for me?

The big one that intrigues all is that I did not die by the hands of the Romans. I was there and at the last supper everything took place as you have imagined it but I was able to heal myself and leave with my family. I would like Rita to write more about this and you will find others on your planet who have been able to share my words. I connect in with all of you in different ways. The relationship I have with Rita presents itself differently because we traveled together so she relates to me more as the human and most people see me beyond being human. If you wished you could do everything I did but many of you decided long ago that you were only capable of watching what you call miracles. May you know the power your visions and thoughts and feeling states hold. The feeling aspects are the juice.

Today I want Rita to read something I shared with her on the recent Monday the day after you called Easter.

Joy holds a space of expansion because it allows you to experience more of you. You are not judging yourself, you are not judging others, you are completely in the flow of your energy so you are not in your head. You are not in the past, you are not in the future. You may think that you are but you are not. You are in an expanded space of consciousness. Never hesitate to look and find and seek out and embrace all those things that bring you joy. Write them down, write down the things that bring you joy. The things you have no hesitancy about and no restriction around when you write them down.

This one known as Rita likes to look at crystals so she would write that in her Joy Log so she could look at it and feel appreciative and joyful. She might sit in quiet contemplation thinking about the crystals that she has seen. As she sits thinking about them she gets excited and can feel in her energy sources that excitement. Even now as she is writing this she is thinking,Yes :)! And then she is thinking, Where have I experienced crystals and not felt that?? And that is really hard for her!

One image that has come up for her is an old store that had crystals and stones and there was a lot of dust on them. The place felt unkempt and they seemed unhappy and they were priced in a way where no one would buy them. All crystals want to make their home in your space, not being purchased and sitting in a store would not feel good to anyone when they looked at them.

Crystals call to you. Many people think jewelry calls to them but it is actually the energy of the stones, when they see them before they actually see them.

Why do people get excited about a diamond ring for their wedding? The energy of the diamond is very powerful, it opens your heart space for more love and more connection to yourself. Yourself is always the greatest connection for love, never ever doubt that. Yes, there are healers and people in the world who can help you be more available to that love. You will know it when you have that experience or that draw to that creator, that master creator, when you get drawn to them you know they are holding a space for you to open your heart. They do this sometimes consciously but mostly unconsciously, those are the people you just enjoy being around.

I encourage you to start a Joy Journal!

Blessings and Love and thank you Rita for dictating — channeling??, is that the word?

Smile and Laugh, it makes my heart expand with yours!

Jesus —

here is another channeling I did with Rita on Turn the Other Cheek



Rita Lorraine Carey

Akashic Records Teacher, Akashic Channeler, Writer, Vlogger Filmmaker, Crystal Enthusiast, Energy Entrepreneur, Independent BEMER Distributor