You * Totality * Death * Grief * God

Rita Lorraine Carey
2 min readJul 16, 2020


transitioning the body looks hard but it is easy. you needed help coming into the body through energy you were connected to but not in total control over. your departure from the body is you and nothing more.

grief has a silent whisper that seems to appear in our most vulnerable moments because we think of grief as a negative emotion. embracing and engaging grief from a place of more firm footing transitions the grip of energies that can keep you from experiencing unconditional happiness.

embracing that energy on your own terms allows it to move from your field. the greatest authors ever, knew how to embrace emotions and things they wanted to convey from firm footing. what does firm footing resemble? it is the space of feeling the totality of who you are. are you just this body? of course not, you innately know you are more than the body.

you are a mere projection into this body while the whole of who you are remains inside you, …in your cells. you can access the whole of who you are anytime you like and those that you love who have transitioned their bodies. meditation is one way because as you slow and stop thoughts your connection to your totality is more present for you, easier to access.

play with these concepts blessed ones to see what comes forward for you and please share what you find.

know in your cells how deeply you are loved and feel the expanse of the bridges that unite all your experiences filled with knowledge and love.

~rita lorraine carey

channel, akashic records teacher, writer, creator, vlogger, blogger

Shine Your Inner Light ~ Love More



Rita Lorraine Carey

Akashic Records Teacher, Akashic Channeler, Writer, Vlogger Filmmaker, Crystal Enthusiast, Energy Entrepreneur, Independent BEMER Distributor